Hello [NAME],
We hope that your holidays have been prosperous and filled with joy and good cheer. We are excited to send you the first edition of our newly designed newsletter. Thank you to those who sent us suggestions. Please keep the suggestions coming, we always love to hear from our members.
Cleaning Up Credit Card Data
In order to maintain a secure online shopping experience for your customers, and to help you comply with the Payment Card Industry compliance standards (commonly called “PCI”), Specialty Toys Network has implemented the Remove Credit Card Numbersfunction for your cart system. This tool will allow you to delete the credit card number from your orders while still keeping the orders in your system. (read complete article)
New Sales from Old Products
Written by Devin Hollands – Bravo Fun
“Make it fluorescent” is an old saying in product development or marketing, used once you run out of ideas on an old product. Here are some tips on how to move items that are either buried in competition or just do not grab the attention of the consumers. Combining items to make a new offering is one solution…. (read complete article)
Great news, the STN master database has now been expanded to over 44,000 toys, games, and books. Thank you to those of you that have been spreading the word. Your diligence is paying off.
New & Recently Updated
Carson Dellosa
Faber Castell
FoxMind Games
Kaskey Kids
Playroom Entertainment
Rich Frog
Time to Play |
Click here to see the latest list of manufacturers.
We greatly appreciate your requests, please keep them coming.
Updates in the works. We have lots of plans for Specialty Toys Network for the upcoming year. Some new ideas and some that will increase the functionality of current features. We are always open to suggestions, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with your thoughts and ideas. The STN Ticket Support system is a great place to send us ideas for new features. (You will need to log into the support center before you can view this page.)
STN has created a new YouTube Channel. This is a more convenient way to watch short topic specific training videos. You can access the STN Training Channel from any computer and at any time. Perhaps even 1:00 am, like one member stated she was watching (we won’t name names).
Parking Costs Less. For those of you that have more than one domain and are paying us to have them parked we have lowered our prices to $15 a year. It is not very often that you get to hear something is cheaper, so we are happy to bring you that news.
Listen to the Twitter. Rhiannon has created a Twitter account. You can follow her at http://twitter.com/rhiannonSTN. She will be announcing updates to the database, new members to go live, web tips, and links to articles that are relative to your business.
Specialty Toys Network | 650 NE Adams, OR 97128 | (503)434-9706 | email us