Below is a list of the basic assets we’ll be needing as we get started. The more samples you can supply, the faster and more accurate our designs will be. Please feel free to print a copy of this check-sheet.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Store Logo (Brand)
Preferably a digital file such as JPG, BMP, or TIF. A high quality printed logo will also work well.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Store Slogan
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Store Address Info
How do your customers find you? Remember to always include a phone number and address in a visible location on your site…. your brick-and-mortar store is your primary interaction with customers. We want to make sure your web visitors have no trouble finding you.
Info to Include:
Phone Number
Toll free Phone Number
Street Address (and City in most cases)
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Email addresses
In many cases we’ll be setting up new addresses for you. In others, you may want to use existing email addresses.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Site Sections (Navigation)
We’ll help you plan this out, but one of the early steps will be to think about the content you want to include on your site… how will it be organized? A simple navigation structure will make it much easier for your visitors to find what they want.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Domain
Do you have an existing domain (web address) you want to use? Do you want to have us register a new domain for you? Let us know what you want for your address, and we’ll do the work. (Please note: specific domain names may or may not be available for use. We can advise you of availability and assist in updating current domains.)
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Store or Office Photography
We’re looking to get a good feel for how your store looks inside and out – what color scheme you use, what you are known for, etc. Preferably a medium to high resolution digital file. These can be burned to CD and mailed to us or uploaded to our server.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Personnel Photography
It’s often a good idea to personalize your site by incorporating imagery of your store representatives. If you can supply these images during the design phase, we can build them into your site. (You can always add these images in later, but why not take advantage of our design services? Our graphic designers can give your imagery a professional treatment at no extra cost to you.)
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Product Images
Do you have specific products or brands you would like to promote? Let us know, and we’ll be sure to feature those items in your initial site design.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] Community Photography
One way to increase your association with a local community is to include visuals that pertain to your area. For example, there may be a recognizable architectural entrance to your shopping center. Sometimes use of such imagery can help your online customers feel at home.
[icon icon_name=”fa-check” font_size=”16″ animate=”No” transition=”fadeIn” duration=”1s” delay=”100ms”] List of Competitors
Do you have local competitors that you would like to differentiate yourself from? Let us know who they are (and if they have a web presence)…. we’ll take that into account as we set up your new site